UNIX + BlueCrystal + Abaqus + extracting results

ABUMPACK > JAN-2017 > extracting results

  1. putty (MS side)
  2. putty sessions (MS side)
  3. ssh login (MS side)
  4. exit/logout
  5. ssh keys with putty (MS side)
  6. puttygen (MS side)
  7. .ssh/authorized_keys
  8. Xming (MS side)
  9. test graphical display: run nedit
  10. cat
  11. man
  12. mkdir
  13. cd
  14. ls
  15. output redirect, >
  16. more/less
  17. rm
  18. rm -rf, rmdir
  19. pipe, |
  20. ls | wc
  21. module avail
  22. echo $SHELL
  23. must read the manual!
  24. module list
  25. module avail >& tmp
  26. more/less tmp
  27. vi, pico, nano, nedit, gedit, emacs
  28. module add apps/abaqus-6.10
  29. $HOME, ~
  30. pwd
  31. edit shell ini file: .bashrc, .tcshrc, .profile, .cshrc, etc.
  32. get pllr1.inp
  33. cmd (MS side)
  34. "c:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\psftp"
  35. abaqus datacheck job=pllr1
  36. tail
  37. * ?
  38. ls -al pllr1.*
  39. *.log
  40. *.sta *.dat *.msg
  41. *.odb
  42. abaqus analysis double=both job=pllr1
  43. create a shell file:
    #PBS -l walltime=10:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=1
    #PBS -j oe
    #PBS -m abe
    cd $HOME/zzz
    abaqus analysis cpus=1 job=pllr1 inter
  44. cat z.sh
  45. qsub -qabaqus z.sh
  46. qstat -n | grep aba
  47. qdel
  48. mail
  49. mail -f $HOME/mbox
  50. up, down, tab
  51. grep 99999 pllr1.dat
  52. gnuplot
  53. sort
  54. awk '{print $2}' > disp
  55. awk '{print $3}' > load
  56. paste disp load
  57. running abaqus in parallel
  58. shell
  59. accessing results file
  60. abaqus make
  61. cp /usr/local/apps/ABAQUS/Abaqus-6.10/6.10-2/site/abaqus_v6.env
  62. edit abaqus_v6.env: add -free to compile_fortran
  63. get gtn-st-1fer-abq.inp and gtn-st-1fer-abq-rr.f
  64. abaqus make job=gtn-st-1fer-abq-rr
  65. abaqus gtn-st-1fer-abq-rr > z
  66. parametric input, see pllr1.inp
  67. parametric studies