JAN-2017 update


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22-JAN-2017: Abaqus tips

Making contour plots from the Abaqus data

It is often required to make a contour plot of some data, e.g. stress, strain or displacement field. Making a good contour plot is hard. Making a good contour plot from Abaqus data sometimes is even harder. So here's a step by step example of how to make a good contour plot from Abaqus data using PGPLOT or gnuplot

  1. Request the desired data in the most suitable format from the Abaqus. The major consideration is the required accuracy of data. The major constraint is what is available in your Abaqus solver. For example, Abaqus/Explicit does not have the capability to write output data in a human readable form in the data file. If the demands for accuracy are modest, and if you are using Abaqus/Standard, and if the variable you want can be written to the data file (.dat), and most of them can be, then requesting the output to the data file is the easiest. For this you use commands such as *NODE PRINT, *EL PRINT, etc. in the input, (.inp) file:


    that might give you something like this for a 2D model in the data file, (.dat):

           NODE FOOT-   COOR1       COOR2       U1          U2
              3       100.0      -19.00       0.000       0.000
              4       50.00       17.50       0.000      -5.751
              5       125.0       12.50      -1.449       2.925
              6       124.0       12.50      -1.449       2.809
              7       123.0       12.50      -1.449       2.694
              8       122.0       12.50      -1.449       2.578
              9       121.0       12.50      -1.449       2.462
             10       120.0       12.50      -1.449       2.346
             11       119.0       12.50      -1.449       2.230
             12       118.0       12.50      -1.449       2.114
             13       117.0       12.50      -1.449       1.998
             14       116.0       12.50      -1.449       1.882

    As you can see, the accuracy is only to 4 significant digits. AFAIK, it is not possible to increase the accuracy of the data written in the data file. If you know better, let me know.

    So imagine I have two steps in the analysis, and what I want to know is the change in some variable between the steps. In principle I can dump the variable from both steps to the .dat file and then subtract one from the other for all points. However, if the accuracy of the data is poor, the subtraction is likely to loose the useful data completely.

    Here's a relaxation example. I need to know displacement difference between 2 steps. The displacements themselves are:

                            S T E P       4     S T A T I C   A N A L Y S I S
                                    INCREMENT     9 SUMMARY
           NODE FOOT-   COOR1       COOR2       U1          U2        
              3       100.0      -19.00       0.000       0.000     
              4       50.00       17.50       0.000      -5.751     
              5       125.0       12.50      -1.449       2.925      
              6       124.0       12.50      -1.449       2.809
              7       123.0       12.50      -1.449       2.693
              8       122.0       12.50      -1.449       2.577
              9       121.0       12.50      -1.449       2.461
             10       120.0       12.50      -1.449       2.345
                            S T E P       5     S T A T I C   A N A L Y S I S
                                    INCREMENT     1 SUMMARY
           NODE FOOT-   COOR1       COOR2       U1          U2
              3       100.0      -19.00       0.000       0.000
              4       50.00       17.50       0.000      -5.751
              5       125.0       12.50      -1.449       2.925
              6       124.0       12.50      -1.449       2.809
              7       123.0       12.50      -1.449       2.694
              8       122.0       12.50      -1.449       2.578
              9       121.0       12.50      -1.449       2.462
             10       120.0       12.50      -1.449       2.346

    So when you calculate the difference, you get fuck all:

    node     coord1  coord2	     delta u1        delta u2
    3        100.00  -19.00      0.0000          0.0000
    4         50.00   17.50      0.0000          0.0000
    5        125.00   12.50      0.0000          0.0000
    6        124.00   12.50      0.0000          0.0000
    7        123.00   12.50      0.0000          0.0010
    8        122.00   12.50      0.0000          0.0010
    9        121.00   12.50      0.0000          0.0010
    10       120.00   12.50      0.0000          0.0010

    In other words, there is no useful data left at all.

    So, if you use the explicit dynamic solver (Abaqus/Explicit), where output to .dat file is not available, or if the accuracy is not good enough, the print output is no good. The solution is to use results file.

  2. Requesting output to the results file is easy. Note that on Abaqus/Standard this is .fil file, and on Abaqus/Explicit this is the selected results file, .sel file, which can later be converted to .fil format. The beauty is that virtually anything can be written to the results file, and in the raw solution accuracy, i.e. typically with 6 or 16 significant digits for single and double precisions respectively.

    You use *EL FILE, *NODE FILE and so on, e.g.:


    However, getting the data out of .fil files is hard. The .fil file is binary, consists of variable length records in a fucked up archaic Abaqus format. You have to write your own fortran code to do this. The manual does help a lot though.

  3. First study the format of the results file. Understanding it it critical. I'll just give a summary here, that is necessary for understanding the rest. As the manual says, each record consists of N 8-byte long words. The first word in the record gives the record length. This is not very useful. The second word is the "record type key". This is a of critical importance. This is simply an integer numerical label uniquely identifying the type of data in the following words, so that you know how to interpret it. All words starting from third and until the end of the record contain the actual data that you might want. The manual calls these "attributes".

    For example, the key for nodal displacement is 101:

    Record key: 101           Output variable identifier: U
    Record type: Displacements
    Attributes:  1 - Node number.
                 2 - First component of displacement.
                 3 - Second component of displacement.
                 4 - Etc.

    Note that you need to shift attribute numbers by 2 to get the correct word from the record. So the 1st attribute is in word 3, the 2nd attribute is in word 4, etc.

    A major complication arises due to the fact that integer, real and character data are all written in 8-byte words. Correctly reading them requires some tricks. Again, the manual helps. There is a complete working example in the manual. Also, here is my routine to read the displacement and coordinate data, written with *NODE FILE above. For completeness, and if you want to check that all works as I claim it does, use this routine with this input file.

    So, as the manual says, you have to make sure to read integer and real variables into integer and real arrays respectively, which are linked by the EQUIVALENCE statement. The EQUIVALENCE statement is deprecated in Fortran 1995 and later standards. Deprecated means the use of this language feature is discouraged, but it's still supported by the standard. If you've never used it, there are lots of on-line references, e.g. for Oracle, VMS or Intel Fortran compilers.

    So, using EQUIVALENCE the code might look like this:

     dimension  array(513), jrray(nprecd,513), lrunit(2,1)
     equivalence (array(1), jrray(1,1))
     if ( key .eq. 1901 ) write (101,*) jrray(1,3), array(4:5)

    Here jrray is integer, but array is real. Both contain words from a single record in the results file.

  4. You use Abaqus make to build the executable of your routine, like this:

    abaqus make -j filread.f

    This will create the executable, in this case filread.exe. Now you run it:

    abaqus filread

    and get your data out, exactly as you wrote in your filread.f. In my case I send the displacement and the coordinate data in two separate files.

  5. I got my files, say coord with nodal coordinates and disp with displacements:

    bigblue3> head disp
    Step  4 increment   9
               3  0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000
               4  1.428079566719941E-045  -5.75109246300800     
               5  -1.44881443711145        2.92463968914136     
               6  -1.44881444100420        2.80876287022771     
               7  -1.44881447839977        2.69288604816396     
               8  -1.44881455541383        2.57700916562378     
               9  -1.44881465370697        2.46113216774218     
              10  -1.44881474476933        2.34525500817265     
              11  -1.44881479233482        2.22937764679067     
    bigblue3> head coord 
               3   100.000000000000       -19.0000000000000     
               4   50.0000000000000        17.5000000000000     
               5   125.000000000000        12.5000000000000     
               6   124.000000000000        12.5000000000000     
               7   123.000000000000        12.5000000000000     
               8   122.000000000000        12.5000000000000     
               9   121.000000000000        12.5000000000000     
              10   120.000000000000        12.5000000000000     
              11   119.000000000000        12.5000000000000     
              12   118.000000000000        12.5000000000000     

    Note that I now have 16 significant digits in my data.

    A bit of manual work is requred now. I send the step and increment data to the displacement file, so that it contains displacements for two stages in the analysis. I split disp into disp1 that contains displacements at stage 1 and disp2 that contains displacements at stage 2:

    bigblue3> wc disp*
      19358   58076 1180760 disp
       9676   29028  590236 disp1
       9676   29028  590236 disp2
      38710  116132 2361232 total

    and remove all other verbal info, I leave just the numerical data.

  6. The next step is automatic. I make a single file out of disp1, disp2 and coord, by combining the rows for the same nodes. I remove unused columns and sort the data in numerical order, first by column 2, then by column 1.

    The following step is very important. Both PGPLOT and gnuplot work best when the data is on a rectangular grid, i.e. there is a constant spacing between all data points along x1, and a constant, but possibly different, spacing between all data points along x2. This is a severe limitation on the mesh used for the analysis. Although you can use some interpolation package and create a rectilinear data from some arbitrary mapping, it is easiest, of course, to use a mesh of rectangular 1st order elements. In this example, we used 2nd order elements, so the easiest way is to remove all rows (or all columns) with intermediate nodes.

    Finally, to make the most of gnuplot the data must consist of blocks, which are data lines with the same x1 or x2. The blocks are separated by a single blank line, i.e. a line containing only the newline or carrier return symbol.

    I use awk for all these data manupulation tasks. I put the awk commands into a makefile.

  7. So I have two files: data, which I'll use with PGPLOT:

    bigblue3> head data
    3280 0.000000000000000E+000 -12.5000000000000 0.000274330783040 0.000687236486760
    9680 0.500000000000000 -12.5000000000000  
    3279 1.00000000000000 -12.5000000000000 0.000266323464180 0.000695243805620
    9678 1.50000000000000 -12.5000000000000 -0.013380064313444 0.007915329657459
    3278 2.00000000000000 -12.5000000000000 -0.014548465230992 0.009710210354360
    9676 2.50000000000000 -12.5000000000000 -0.011055213069521 0.004830879022210
    3277 3.00000000000000 -12.5000000000000 -0.012213001424994 0.006280364714549
    9674 3.50000000000000 -12.5000000000000 -0.008848870617161 0.002485569495919
    3276 4.00000000000000 -12.5000000000000 -0.009927510401962 0.003568737254870
    9672 4.50000000000000 -12.5000000000000 -0.006872776989411 0.000806080620250

    and data.grid, which differs from data only by having extra blank line every time the third column, x2 coordinate changes. I'll use data.grid with gnuplot.

  8. Here's the PGPLOT program I use to draw contour plots. It is adapted from the PGPLOT demo programs. I use this Makefile to build it.

    The key routine is PGCONT. There is a little bit of manual work involved. In particular, you have to specify the spacing between the data points, and the origin, which is the TR input to the PGCONT routine. And you need to calculate the number of data points along x1 and x2, which determines the size of the array F.

    The second key routine is PGCONL, which applies labels to the contous.

    And here's the result. Green solid lines are positive. Red dashed lines are negative:

    PGPLOT contour plot of u1

    PGPLOT contour plot of u2

  9. For gnuplot I use this script. It is a lot simpler than the PGPLOT program, but the results are not as good:

    gnuplot contour plot of u1

    gnuplot contour plot of u2

    Apparently it is possible to add labels to contour lines, but I haven't tried that. These links (thanks to Graeme Horne) give the details:




The Abaqus results file .fil is certainly the way to go if you need high accuracy raw data produced by the solver. Extracting it is not easy, but once you've written one routine, it is easy to modify it for other abaqus jobs. PGPLOT produces much better contour plots than gnuplot, but requires some programming effort.

22-JAN-2017: Tutorial materials for Abaqus + unix + user subroutines + data extraction

This is an old tutorial targeting the University of Bristol Bluecrystal HPC system.

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